19 Things I Learnt Turning 19
Phew, it's good to be back!
I'll be honest, the months before have not been my best times. Since it neared A2 examinations until about a few weeks ago, I have been focusing more on my personal development and overcoming some major struggles. It was a roller coaster ride. Yet with all the noise and madness, I was blessed with love, support and kindness. And now, I am happy to say that I am getting back on track with a fresh and determined mindset. I am ready for the next big stage of my life- university!
That's right, I've just started studying second year Actuarial Science in Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh! (fangirls)
I'm in bliss. It's a new chapter of my life, and I am starting it abroad! Living on my own, meeting new friends and experiencing a whole new culture. It's truly a magical experience.
More on that later. As much as I am super excited about sharing my life for the next three years here (best believe I will), I thought of talking about the things I've learnt; and want to share with the world. I was truly someone who had a good luck streak with my life where hardship did come but in minor blows. It was only until recently that I fully experienced somewhat "rock bottom".
And you know what? I'm grateful for that. You can choose to gain or to keep losing, I chose to gain. After some time struggling to get back up, I finally did. It's cheesy I know, because everyone goes or has gone through this stage. But that's the beauty of life isn't it? It's not the same for everyone, but everyone goes through some form of hardship. We are all in this together, and that's why I wanted to unwind by openly expressing what I have gained from this. And I know now, I can only gain more in life, which is now my university life.
So here it is, 19 things I learnt turning 19. Because right smack middle of this entire period was my birthday. Well, at least I got a gift to remember.
P.S. Here are some of my poems digitally designed which I wrote back then. I thought of sharing them as a part of the blog post. Enjoy!
What are some of the major things you learnt in your life? Comment them down below!